The Good of React Native App Development

"Learn once, write anywhere," has been everyone's mantra since Facebook released React Native in 2015. The technology's underlying concept — reaching as many users as possible with a single codebase — was not novel. But, for the first time, the native experience was considered. RN mobile apps keep their platform's user interface and behavior.

The ability to provide a native look and feel is important. Yet not the only reason why React Native has become the framework of choice for millions of companies. It ranges from startups to tech behemoths such as Instagram, Skype, Uber, Walmart, and, of course, Facebook.

What exactly is React Native?

React Native is an open-source framework developed by Fb that uses a declarative programming paradigm to build native JavaScript mobile apps. React Native combines the best aspects of native development with React. A top-tier JavaScript library for creating user interfaces.

"Most companies developing mobile on current native stacks must make some compromises." Either on productivity, quality, or scope. In an interview, Tal Kol, ex-Head of Mobile Engineering at, says, "The path to stopping these compromises is inventing new mobile stacks — like React Native."

Many companies now prefer to build their apps with React Native because it allows them to write almost all the code in JavaScript. It shares it across iOS and Android without paying for two separate teams of developers maintaining two different code bases.

Learn More: Why Use React Native For Mobile Application Development?

Benefits of React Native App Development

The top reasons for using React Native mobile app development are listed below.

1. Reusable Code — Time and money saved

Developers using React Native do not need to write separate code for different platforms, as JS can be used for all. The ability to reuse code, in particular, increases efficiency, yields super-fast development results. Furthermore, the existing open-source libraries, including UI libraries, speed up mobile app development.

Furthermore, if a company already has a React web application, some code can be reused to create a mobile app.

2. Quick Changes for Hot and Live Reloading

Hot and live reloading functions are at the heart of React Native mobile app development. It allows developers to work with code changes in real-time and make fixes while the app is loading. The live feature reloads the entire app after changes are done. Whereas hot reloading only reloads a specific area of the change, making the development and testing process easier.

It justifies the first point by making app development faster, efficient, and intuitive.

3. Native Feeling

Native development components map 1:1 to React Native components. It enables React native app developers to create interfaces faster, and create an authentic, native feel indistinguishable from the native app. 

RN is also native software compliant and can integrate with existing code. Making it ideal for adding quick extensions to native applications.

4. Support for Third-Party Plugins

Because React Native is still in its early stages, some components that would meet specific business needs may be missing. React Native provides two types of third-party plugins. To address this: JavaScript-based and native modules.

If you need to integrate Google Maps into your application. React Native allows you to connect any plugin to a native or third-party module. 

5. Popularity in the Industry and Community Support 

Among all cross-platforms, React Native has the largest community. The significant advantage of strong community support is the help available to developers. Because React Native is an open-source platform, you can get help from experts. Even find libraries of relevant information to use in developing React Native-based applications. 

Conclusion on React Native: When Should You Use It?

React Native provides many distinct advantages; but, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Your business idea influences your choice of technology stack. If you are a startup or a successful business then get in touch with InstaIT Technologies experts Now!

React Native is an excellent choice for:

  • Projects with simple functionality

  • eCommerce and social media, for example, have appealing designs and efficient interfaces.

  • JavaScript-based applications;

  • Rapid development with few iterations.



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