5 Key Differences Between iOS and Android App Development Services

Software developers are often confused in deciding whether to develop apps for Android as well as iOS. Despite their similarities in architecture, they have different methods of Software development and maintenance.

You can develop app software to be compatible with both iOS or Android application stores however first, you must be aware of the differences between iOS as well as Android app development.


This article examines the key differences between Android and iOS developments in the five most important categories. It will help you understand the basic differences and choose what OS platform is the best one for your business.

Let's Begin:

Development Language

The language of programming used in development is among the major differences between Android and iOS app development. Java is among the most commonly used programming languages to create Android applications.


Java requires the writing of an enormous amount of code. However, Swift is a new programming language used to develop iOS applications. In comparison with Java, Swift is a substantially faster programming language.


A programming language known as Kotlin was invented as a replacement for the Java programming language. It became the most widely used programming language for creating Android applications due to its simplicity and its intuitive behavior.

Integrated Development Environment(IDE)

It's impossible to comprehend how to use the IDE until you've tried Android Studio and Xcode. There's a distinction that needs to be made in this regard.


Android Studio is flexible and allows you to build multiple app versions for various devices. It supports cross-platform app development compatibility with easy packaging, a wealth of features, and excellent debugging capabilities.


However, Xcode has a simple source editor, as well as an editorial assistant. It's a great tool for developing iOS and Mac applications and is easy to set up. However, when projects are larger the IDE gets more complicated.

The Table Below Provides an Analysis of the Android Vs iOS Development


Key Aspects

Android Platform

Ios Platform

Development language

Java, Kotlin


Integrated Development Environment (IDE)



Development Cost



Target Audience

Less Valuable

More Valuable

App Store Acceptance

Short Process

Long Process


There isn't any significant distinction between Android app development and iOS app development with regard to cost, since both offer the tools for free and also documentation. The only difference is that you have to release your product for sale to the market. For instance the case of iOS you'll need to be paying $100 per year with a higher price for enterprise customers. For Google Play, you must pay $25 per year.

The two operating systems can be distinctive in their own way. If you like working with open-source systems and wish to develop an application that is free of limitations, Android is a good option.

However, if you're trying to develop an app that targets an individual group of people and you like the idea that closed-source software is the best choice, iOS is the ideal platform to work with.

Target Audience

Mobile application design for iOS and Android operating systems has a large number of users. There's no doubt the fact that Android is the more used operating system. Android is the largest and most used platform, with a staggering 85percent of the population that uses it. On the other hand, iOS is used by approximately 10% of the targeted segment of the population.

Females tend to be more likely to use Apple products, whereas Android users tend to belong to males. Since Android is open-source, you can modify it to suit your needs. On the other hand, iOS is closed-source, which means you cannot utilize it in any way you'd like and you must be part of the Apple ecosystem.

App Store Support

It is well-known that the process of confirming iOS apps that are published to the Apple App Store takes longer than that for Android apps that are published through the Google Play Store. Google Play Store. This is due to the fact that Apple apps require verification by Apple experts, whereas Android apps are based on automated tests.

Google lets developers correct certain mistakes, and multiple variants of the application could be submitted at the same time. Therefore, developers should be extremely cautious with their apps, since there is a possibility that the app will be rejected following a lengthy time on iOS devices, and the app could be released with flaws for people using Android phones.


There are always Hybrid apps which is the best way, but both android and ios app development require different efforts. While developing any app you need to consider everything before creating it. The efforts should be made in the right direction like which audience you are trying to target. Do check all the points mentioned above before you start developing an app. I hope this blog helps you with what you were looking for.


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