5 Yii Framework Benefits for Your Business You Can't-Miss

One of the top 5 most popular PHP frameworks is Yii. One of the quickest and safest PHP web development frameworks, it is well acclaimed. We will talk about the Yii framework development services today since it is one of the greatest frameworks right now and will continue to gain popularity because of its appealing features. Let's go into more depth about this framework and the advantages Yii offers small enterprises. The whole Yii PHP Framework Description Qiang Xue developed the Yii framework in 2008. The name Yii, which stands for Yes, it is, implies "simple and evolutionary" in Chinese. There are currently two main versions of Yii: 1.1 and 2.0. The previous generation, Version 1.1, is now in maintenance mode. Version 2.0 is a total overhaul of Yii that incorporates the most recent technology. Yii is a PHP development framework that is open-source, MVC-based, object-oriented, and lightweight. Its component-based, high-performance web application framework is created i...